Elias Calles | Elias Calles | MLS 24-4272
$900,000 USD
($18,339,750.00 MXN) Please note that the price displayed in Mexican pesos has been calculated using the official national exchange rate published in the Diario Oficial de la FederaciĆ³n at $20.3775 mxn pesos per USD. However, please be aware that exchange rates are subject to change, and the displayed price should not be considered final. If the amount displayed is zero, it means that the Journal has not displayed the price in real-time. Please check back later for updated pricing information.Lot area: 100,257.69 m2
Title: Escritura
ONLY $9 USD PER M2. IT WONT LAST LONG 10 hectares / 27 Acres of land, starting with the magnificent Pacific Ocean view from the main hill. Ideal for self-sustaining Campestral Devolpement or Resort, or just your Dream Home. SOLO $9 USD POR M2. NO DURARA MUCHO, 10 hectareas de tierra, comenzando con la magnifica vista del Oceano Pacifico desde la colina principal. Ideal para desarrollo campestre o resort autosostenible, o simplemente la casa de tus suenos.
Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico. 23300 | Ph: +52 612 151 8892 (from USA dial 011 52 first) | email: aquevedo@ronival.com